Monday 16 March 2009

new web counter

since i have changed to a new layout as of the 3-column transformation, i decided to ditch bravenet counter as it keeps advertising itself. i mean, cant they just link to bravenet by the counter image??

so now i place my new counter on the top left, and it does not advertise itself nor anything else (other than a humble backlink). hit-counter company, see yet? if you give it easy to us, we'll put you on top of the page! also, since i am so satisfied by the new counter, imma gonna write a post for! *happy*

in the large competitive world of web counters, why do i choose to use instead of others? since this is a free counter, more often than not, there are more disadvantages than advantages. but if it bugs you, then get a paid counter lah!

what offer:
  • FREE!
  • MINIMAL backlink to website.
  • NO ads! actually, the choice is yours - you can select visible or invisible ad.
  • CUSTOM counter design! DIY or make-your-own counter, with choice of colors and sizes and stuff (if the default designs dont suit your site).
  • STATS by hits and uniques, and choice of start digit (so you can continue at the number of your previous counter i.e. 7440).
  • REPORTS by traffic (hour, day, and up to 12 months!), website (where traffic come from and which of your web pages were visited) and system (browser, OS, screen reso, color depth, language).
  • UPDATED instantly! (counter reports only a few minutes behind the actual time.)

the thing i like about counter (obviously other than free, no ads, and updated) is the website report. since i get a lot of hits and uniques, the 10 links on bravenet report fills up too quickly. the new counter keeps track upto 50 links! click here to compare:
- bravenet: recent hits (last 10 only)
- mywebstats: referers (last 50 links!)

not only that, since this is a blog, when i click on mywebstats webpage report (which bravenet lack), i know which posts are most viewed - that means popularity of which posts! if you are curious, my most popular links are this and this with 34 and 25 views each since march 2009 (as of press time).

honestly, these all are good enough for me. what else would you ask from a free web counter?

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