pre-day 1 photostory ^__^;;animax contacted EMINA contacted me coz i contacted EMINA. there was a quick interview by tv3 and there were spots to fill as cosplayers - to be interviwed. live.
a group photo with the animax representative (third from left) and cosplayers who went to the interview which we had to wake up at 5am for the MHI live. *hugs eriol and kero plush to death*
by golly, you dont want to mess with the durians and pisang tanduk! (there was a local fruits festival hosted by tv3/9tv at the entrance of media prima office~)
so there was a self-service nasi lemak as part of the fruits fest and we nomnom the fruits together - imagine durian and pulasan for breakfast, after nasi lemak!
reward for going there so darned early after the live interview.
um, unrewarding. or...
posing props?
akiko: *looks at reflection*
*looks down*
oh, what have we here?
now, THIS is a reward! towers of acg plushies! i see something that nodame would like~
guess how animax "connect with the new generation"?
tadah! the motion screenie! nothing much ado about since i hadnt try it.
animax's photographer shot this and uploaded at the official website ~__~ (my head looks like it wears a wig - the bump is non-existent. its just a distorted fish-eye shot.)
post-day 1 photostory(this is a belated post) but i do know we went to zanmai sushi at the top floor of 1U afterwards. here are just photos to tempt you for no apparent reason. oh and, yes we were there to eat dessert only. (tea time my style!)
they charge you for tissue. =__=;;
*nom* my new fave ice-cream after birthday outing at sushi king.
ooh, how my mouth is watering over them foods~
finally, something not green!
makes you think why i would add dry chili into this honeydew drink..
day 3 photostoryaugust 10: Animax Youth Festival @ High Street, 1Utama Shopping Centre (12noon-9pm)
more cosplayers and more photos! (captions were not originally said by cosplayers.) let's start with me (and hikaru)! XP

emcee of the day - he was rather astounded by cosplayers, not quite sure whats the concept of cosplay. lebih kurang macam other emcees who have knowledge as far as anime/manga/games.
cosplay judges for the cosplay competition~ cosplayers themselves.
bah! *flip table* there are so many cosplay photos from the competition. i'll just leave it to your own free time to browse at my photobucket gallery.
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